Friday, March 14, 2014

Visit to Pak n Save

On Wednesday 12 March we visited Pak n Save to look at labeling on food packets and to read about the nutritional information. This was part of our learning with Sian Bolton, a nutritionist. What we found interesting was...
Daniel: Primo milk has lots of sugar in it
Jessica: There are more types of fruit than I knew about
Anita: White bread has more fat than brown bread
Caleb: Wonka chocolate has 56.6 grams of sugar
Manisha: crumpets = 0.1 grams of sugar
Brianna: I learnt  about a new fruit called 'Kiwano'
Emma: The heart foundation crackers have more sodium than normal crackers
Seyjay: There are no healthy muesli bars

1 comment:

  1. It was an informative and exciting morning and the kids were fantastic in carrying out the tasks. I was very glad to be a part of it. It was also great to see the kids excited about researching the different products with some astounding results!
